Swap Coca Cola for Est in Thailand

Aficionados of pop and pop aren't simply confined to the two major brands of Pepsi and Coca Cola in Thailand; there's a relative new child on the nearby soda pops scene. In the event that you cherish fizzy beverages, don't miss attempting Est when in Thailand.

Est is a Thai-created brand of soda. Delivered by Serm Suk, a Thai circulation and packaging organization, it was propelled in November 2012. It is presently a pillar in numerous coolers all through the nation's accommodation stores, and accessible in most neighborhood bars and eateries. In fact, there are a few foundations that exclusive offer Est for those needing a caffeine and cola settle.

Est initially propelled with its own particular cola, accessible in both glass and plastic containers and in addition jars. Look at the logo — with blue, white, and red, it utilizes an indistinguishable hues from Pepsi. They are likewise, be that as it may, similar hues that component in the Thai banner, giving the logo additional punch.

The brand later discharged different beverages, including a sans sugar cola and Est Play, a line of fruity carbonated beverages to challenge any semblance of Fanta, Sprite, Tango, and 7Up.

The cola drink is entirely sweet, with a taste that is somewhere close to cola and sarsaparilla. Drinking Est over ice takes away the syrupy edge. Alternate flavors are additionally super sweet, yet Thailand is by and large known for its adoration for sweet items.

Did the world truly require a different line of sugary, carbonated beverages?

The Thai brand of Est was born from problems with distribution of Pepsi products, which was historically a more popular brand in Thailand than Coca Cola, and a savvy business move by Serm Suk.

Serm Suk had been the country’s sole bottler and distributor of Pepsi for more than 50 years. Although full details of the dispute aren’t known, for some reason Pepsi and Serm Suk severed ties, leaving Pepsi needing a new doorway into Thailand. The day after the contract ended between the soft drink giant and the Thai company, Serm Suk launched Est. And it launched it with gusto, investing heavily in advertising and promotions.

With their lead in the distributing world, getting many customers to simply switch to the Est brand was simple. Instead of delivering Pepsi to stores and restaurants, crates of Est were loaded onto the trucks in their place.

Pepsi tried to maintain their position by building their own bottling factory in Thailand and using a global distribution company to deliver their soft drinks. However, they lacked the networks that Serm Suk had established over many years of trade.

Est had one other advantage over Pepsi: the packaging. While Pepsi was only available in cans or plastic bottles, the glass bottles of Est were preferred by many Thais.

While Pepsi and Est were battling things out, Coca Cola jumped on the chance to aggressively market its products, eventually becoming the more popular soft drink brand for the first time ever in Thailand.

All three brands are now widely available across the Land of Smiles, and it must be a great win for Est to now be considered, in Thailand, in the same league as two of the biggest soft drink giants in the world.